Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Council Calls on O'Farrell for Town Forum on Fate of Port Kembla

Today Wollongong City Council’s Port of Port Kembla Working Group has invited NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell, NSW Treasurer Mike Baird, Minister for Roads and Ports Duncan Gay and Minister for the Illawarra Greg Pearce to a Community Forum at Wollongong Town Hall to discuss the privatisation of Port Kembla.
The forum provides opportunity for Council and the Wollongong community to be informed and have concerns addressed and questions answered directly from the NSW State Government.
The Council Working Group – formed by Council to advance Council’s position on the possible privatisation – has provided Premier O’Farrell and respective Ministers with four possible dates to chose from being Tuesday 16 October, Tuesday 23 October, Monday 5 November or Tuesday 6 November 2012. 
The forum will be mediated by Quentin Dempster and aired on ABC 7.30 Report (Stateline).
Save Our Ports Coordinating Committee Convenor Robert Carr says: "Dempster brings an air of respectability with him as a national media commentator and will be a great mediator for the forum."

"The issue is a statewide one, its about how the NSW coastline generates income, certainty and longevity for NSW taxpayers." 

"With Dempster hosting the forum, and as it is being aired on 7.30 Report, the implications of privatising Port Kembla along with Port Botany will I think become more apparent to other communities across NSW." 

Carr says: "Many in the local community remain unclear about the details of the privatisation. We're waiting to see the new Ports legislation and how it will accommodate the community clauses under existing Ports legislation in NSW."

"The community is also waiting for the publication of scoping studies, and how the approximated 90 year shortfall in public revenue will be made up if the 99 year lease goes ahead, and the current price maintained." 

Chairperson of the Port of Port Kembla Working Group Councillor Vicki Curran said the forum will allow discussion and debate around this important issue and provide Barry O’Farrell and his Cabinet the first opportunity to put the privatisation of the Port to the people of the Illawarra and listen to our concerns.
Curran said: “The forum is a way of informing, debating and listening to the community and addressing concerns without further delay." 

"Disappointingly Council, community groups and individuals still await a response to formal letters and questions sent to the NSW Government regarding the privatisation of the port of Port Kembla. So this forum will be the perfect opportunity for the Premier of NSW and his Cabinet to address the Illawarra community, listen to our concerns, and provide answers and information,” Cr Vicki Curran said.

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